Salon Bon Bon

Specializing the dry cut,
Japanese hair straightening and coloring.
Sophisticated hair style to be.

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オーナー兼スタイリスト 久保佳子

美容師歴25年以上、自身の生まれ故郷、熊本で美容師を始め、1997年にニューヨークへ単身渡米。その後、20年をNYにて美容師として活躍。マンハッタンにある有名店で数店舗働き、ローカルテレビメディアNY1に自身の得意とする縮毛矯正の技術で取材されたり、モデル、女優、著名人などのヘアーにも携わり、一時期は、今は亡き米大女優 Mary Tyler Moore の専属ヘアースタイリストとして働いた時期もあり、ファッション誌(米国誌)などの仕事にも携わった。

Owner & Hair Dresser Yoshiko Kubo

Working in beauty industry more then 25 years, I started to work in my hometown Kumamoto.
After that a couple of years past, I've moved to NY in 1997. My style was inspired and developed when I lived in NY. I've worked in New York City for 20 years at well known salons where I styled hair for some famous people in the US including actress Mary Tyler Moore. I learned unique styling skills including the Dry Cut technique at a specialized salon by Eiji Yamane who is a master of dry hair cut stylist in NY. Another speciality of mine is the Japanese Hair Straightening(Thermal reconditioning)technique. I've used products by Milbon USA. This products gives the best result for Japanese Hair Straightening. I was also featured from local TV news NY1, beauty magazines and NY Times newspaper in US for Japanese hair straightening.

Since moving to Tokyo in 2019, I worked at several salons and decided to finally open my own salon in Nippori.

With more than 25 years of experience working with various hair types, I am confident that I can help you achieve that look you desire. My goal is to bring smiles and happiness to everyone through my work.
I hope to see you soon!


All the menu is not include 10% tax. 料金は、税抜のプライスです.

 Yoshiko is fantastic! I have very thick, unruly hair and am also lazy when it comes to styling. Yoshiko listened to what I hoped to achieve and then advised me on which cut would work the best for me type of hair and lifestyle. And I love the results! My hair looks "styled" even when I let it air dry, and I got compliments all the time. Yoshiko is also really talented with highlights. I am a natural blonde who is quickly starting to have more gray hair than blonde. Once again, Yoshiko came to rescue, advising me on which color and highlight placement would look most natural and help me go the longest between coloring sessions. Thanks, Yoshiko! 

Katie Ortiz

 I love Yoshiko!!! When I moved to Japan, I was so thankful to find someone who speaks English and even now I follow her because it is so hard to find a hair stylist that you can trust. More so, she is so easy to befriend and I enjoy talking to her about life in Tokyo and living abroad. She is funny, understanding, and very skilled, especially because I am very picky and impatient when it comes to my hair. After having a haircut from her though, I feel more confident and my hair grows well, unlike other stylists where it doesn't grow out the right way. She even solved my dandruff problem right away! Anything that has to do with my hair, she is my go-to person! 

Ana Aquino

 Always had problems with my hair as it is too straight and does not want to follow how I want it to look like. This led me to jump from stylist to stylist and barber to barber until I met Yoshiko. Moving to Japan was difficult because of the language barrier, especially with services like haircuts and when I met her I immediately felt comfortable and seeing how she helped me with my hair definitely made me one of her loyal customers. Looking forward to my next haircut! 

Thomas Aquino

 I was so happy with the work that Yoshiko did with my blond hair. Although she's a great colorist, the thing that surprises me the most was when I had a dry cut. I was skeptical at first, but the result was amazing, and because I have a very busy schedule, with little time to sit at the hair dresser, this was perfect for someone like me. I had a master stylist give me a master style for a fraction of the time. Excellent!!! 

Viv Plummer
  •  2021/02/27 01:11 PM

遂に、買いました!! あの、ずっと気にはなっていながら

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  •  2020/12/26 03:46 PM

こんにちは。 今年も残すところ、あと1週間切りました。。。 早いですね。 当店も4月よりオープンして、早、8ヶ月が経ちます。 あっという間だったような気がします。 お陰様でお客様ゼロからのスタートでしたが、ここまで持っていて 感激しております。 お越しくださいましたお客様のおかげで大変感謝しております。 さて当店の年末年始の営業は、31日まで、通常通り営業し、 新年は、5日より営業致します。 来年もどうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げます。 Hello, Our salon will closed on from January 1st through 4th. I will reopen from January 5th. I am open until December 31st. Thank you for your support that I made up to this day since open my salon in April. Wishing you a Happy New Year! All the Best. Salon Bon Bon Owner Yoshiko Kubo.

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  • Japan, Tokyo, Arakawa City, Higashinippori, 5 Chome−40−2, Viale Nippori 1F
  • 〒116-0014 東京都荒川区東日暮里5丁目40-2-1F


Metoropolice Japan

From New York to Tokyo, owner and stylist of Salon Bon Bon Yoshiko Kubo has a kaleidoscope of experiences that laid the foundation for her hair salon. The cozy international hair salon is conveniently located just a five-minute walk from Nippori station, near the center of Tokyo.

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non-no に掲載されました。

こんにちは! 当店が、雑誌、ノンノさんに掲載されましたので、お知らせです。 記念すべき、初の日本での雑誌掲載、良い経験です。 MY salon has featured on Japanese magazine called non-no. Fantastic!

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J SELECT Magazine

Our salon has featured on J SELECT Magazine. This is an E-magazine that only available online. Please check to read.

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無料雑誌 B.S.Times に掲載されました

こんにちは。 今月、当店の記事が、無料雑誌なのですが、タレントの有村藍里様より 取材を受けて、その記事が掲載されましたので、ご紹介です。 URL を載せておりますので、是非、ご覧になって下さい⭐︎ 度々、色んな雑誌社より掲載のお話を頂くのですが、今回、久々に 受けて見ました。 皆様のご来店をいつも楽しみにお待ちしております。 Salon Bon Bon 久保佳子

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Tokyo, Japan - 54353

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